Mipedian Strength -Creatures Only-

I just got some Silent Sands cards and was ready to build my War Beast deck although I didn’t get many cards and I got no Blazvatan. Here is the best I could do with my DoP and SiSa collection:

Mipedian Strength -Apprentice Rules-


Drimesse/Ravita Flower–Saand/Torwegg


I’m a little paranoid at the moment so I’d perfer not to post my attacks and locations. I suppose when I’m sure of my little experiment I will share the rest of this build.

I bought 8 Silent Sands packs for about 30$ + I think I spent 120$ or so on DoP but I only used rare to common cards for the locations and attacks. I think this deck can probably be made with 8 of each boosters.

Total Deck Value: Approx. 65$